Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Overview Of Sap Crm Product Master

 CRM Product Master: 

SAP CRM gives item ace to the administration of items some portion of various business forms in your association

Regarding SAP CRM, Products are merchandise that are the object of your organization's business exercises. Items can be substantial, for example, a PC, or immaterial, for example, administrations like PC support

SAP CRM Product expert can be utilized to keep up and recover all data on the items that your association buys or offers

  • It works same over all procedures required in the three modules of SAP CRM, i.e., deals, administration and promoting
  • The part chose to get to the Product expert inside CRM UI decides the item sorts that can be kept up by current client
  • SAP CRM underpins up to six distinct sorts of item        

Taking after are the SAP standard Product Types:
  • Material
  • Administrations
  • Guarantees
  • Financing
  • IP
Out of these item sorts IP and Financing are industry particular
Case of items:

SAP CRM bolsters synchronization of ERP material expert information with CRM Product expert =
  • ERP material expert comprises of different information and perspectives. Some of these perspectives can't be prepared in CRM. As a rule, just General information, Basic information and Sales-particular information can be exchanged to the CRM framework
  • Likewise, least changes can be made inside CRM if item information is exchanged from ERP to CRM
SAP CRM gives usefulness to keep up relationship between items. For instance, for an accessible item we can have administration parts, embellishments or administrations, and so forth. These connections can utilized as a part of the Product Proposal usefulness

In Product Proposal, framework peruses the Product information and utilizing certain properties like connections kept up, it proposes different items that can be utilized as a part of the business exchange

Taking after are case of accessible relationship sorts that can be kept up in the CRM framework:
  • Segments
  • Administrations
  • Administration Parts
  • Contenders
  • Frill
SAP CRM likewise gives usefulness to keep up an item as configurable

For this situation, the item contains variations (can considered as variables) which can hold the quality allocated amid the item arrangement. For instance, for an item "Screen", we can have a variation for "Screen Size" where we can allocate esteem for the measure of screen amid the item arrangement

Modifying settings identified with the item design are kept up in the SPRO settings

The item design application in SAP CRM has a JAVA based front-end. This application is called as Internet Pricing and Configurator. It is additionally required in arranging the evaluating for the items in the SAP CRM framework

SAP CRM gives usefulness to connection this IPC Application with the item ace. Subsequently, for a configurable item, we can call IPC Application from the CRM Web UI

Item Master can likewise be kept up with SAP GUI utilizing taking after exchanges:
  • COMMPR01 – Product Master
  • COMM_HIERARCHY – To keep up chains of importance and classifications
  • COMM_SETTYPE – To maintainSet Types and Attributes
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