Application Enhancement Tool:
Application Enhancement Tool is an exhaustive instrument for the upgrade of the SAP standard applications such that the adjustments till the database level are actualized by the apparatus itself and there is no coding exertion.
Enhancing View:
Keeping in mind the end goal to improve a perspective in the wake of tapping on the "New" catch (appeared in above scrrenshot) you have to choose the business protest part where the new field or new table should be included:
Application Enhancement Tool is an exhaustive instrument for the upgrade of the SAP standard applications such that the adjustments till the database level are actualized by the apparatus itself and there is no coding exertion.
- This instrument is likewise coordinated with the Web UI Configuration device.
- Like the UI Configuration instrument, first you have to choose the configurable range (highlighted in blue) from the application
- This will open UI Configuration instrument in the same window as demonstrated as follows
- We have to choose a pertinent catch for AET improvements (highlighted previously)
- Make Field" catch can be utilized to make another field in the select perspective
- Taking after is the showcase of existing field and table upgrades:
- New: Using this catch it is conceivable to make new fields furthermore to make tables
- Utilizing the hyperlink as a part of first segment (Enhancement Id) it is conceivable to alter a current upgrade
Enhancing View:
Keeping in mind the end goal to improve a perspective in the wake of tapping on the "New" catch (appeared in above scrrenshot) you have to choose the business protest part where the new field or new table should be included:
- Contingent on the article chose, the database tables and the structures will be chosen.
- While making a field, you have to set properties of the field:
- As indicated by the properties chose the field will be created and distinctive layers will be improved for the new field
- In Expert Mode, we have to set quality for the Data Element field
- In information component definition, it is conceivable to set properties like Label (Description)
- Along these lines diverse properties of the field are to be set consequently utilizing information component definition as a part of information lexicon
- For table, we have to indicate the points of interest of the table all in all furthermore the individual fields to be produce for the table
- When field or table is produced utilizing the AET, the application will restart and the client can then utilize the new field or table
- This implies when you enter esteem for these fields and perform save, the worth will get put away in the database