Thursday, 21 July 2016

Sap hr: Staffing Transaction

Organization Staffing Transaction:

The Organization and Staffing exchange is the most effortless approach to oversee SAP HR - OM(Organization Management) for an end-client who does not have a top to bottom, specialized information of SAP.

This is an easy to use exchange available through Human Resources>Organizational Management>Organizational Plan> Organization and Staffing>Create, Change, Display.

SAP Transaction Codes
  • Make - PPOCE
  • Change-PPOME
  • Show - PPOSE
For each of the three exchanges the principle screen is separated into two territories Object Manager and Work Area.
               sap om organization and staffing transaction
Each of the two primary ranges is subdivided into sheets:

Object Manager - Comprising an inquiry range and a choice territory. The Object Manager is accessible in various HR UIs.

Work Area - Comprising an outline range and a point of interest territory.

The four regions in the Organization and Staffing interface empower you to explore for informationand stay on the same screen. The accompanying is a realistic delineation of the screen:
      sap om

Seek Area - Gives you a wide exhibit of inquiry choices to find your SAP OM objects

Choice Area - The consequences of your inquiry shows up in the Selection Area.

Review Area - The query output chose in the Selection Area shows up in Over perspective Area. The outline zone gives you a symbol based perspective of your OM article's chain of command.

Point of interest Area-Attributes identified with the chose OM article can be altered in the subtle element range.

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